Winner of week 3 Whale poll

25/09/2010 18:00

These are the tallies for this week's poll comp!

Blue Whale; Killer Whale; Fin Whale; Gray Whale; all had 0 votes!

Sperm Whale & Humpback Whale; had 1 vote

& Beluga Whale definately won this poll comp on a stunning 4 votes!


So there you have it; Beluga whales are the favourite.

If you have a passion for animals & expecially whales, be sure to fight for the animal rights! If your against whaleing send us feedback & tell us some idea's on how to prevent anyone from whaleing!


Also if your favourite Whale didn't win. Next time we have a poll; Be sure to constantly vote for your favourite animal.

Until then; talk soon, Emily & Amy. xx



