The Eggs

26/11/2010 21:54

 While Amy & I were at featherdale, we visited the farm area. Where we found to eggs in a fenced off cage. Amy & I new we weren't mean't to go in there. But baby chicks lives were at stake so we went on a mission. Amy climbed over the fence & passed the eggs to me. I rubbed them in my vest & tried to warm them up. They we cold. Amy then we to look if we could put the eggs under a chicken that was sitting in a little hut. when she looked she realised, there were about 10 eggs in there already. so we had to think. I was still rubbing the eggs in my vest & then they started to become warm. We placed the eggs under the chicken in the hut, & along the way getting a few pecks. But, i would rather have a few pecks. the 2 dead chicks. So Amy & I tried our best to get them under. & Successfully we did it.



