Shark Facts!

25/09/2010 21:25

  1. How Are Whale Sharks Endangered
    The whale shark is targeted by commercial and artisan fisheries. This has put them in the list of endangered species. Although the worldwide population is unknown, the reduction in sightings have put them in a...
  2. How Big Is The Biggest Recorded Whale Shark
    The Guinness Book of Records has the Worlds Largest fish (a Whale Shark) recorded as 12.65 metres which is 41 feet 6 inches. However, there are versions that whale sharks could reach 60 feet, but...
  3. How Big Is The Shark Brain
    While brain size cannot be generalized to every shark species, some of them have a Y shaped brain with two bulbs, measuring about 2 feet (60 centimeters) Some writers have said that the shark brain...
  4. How Do Sharks Breed
    While some species breed differently. Mating in sharks has been rarely observed, but most species do it while they swim parallel to each other and the male inserts a clasper into female's oviduct.
  5. How Do Sharks Communicate
    There is not solid evidence on how sharks communicate, however there is a great belief that the extraordinary senses developed by sharks are involved in any communication between sharks, if any...
  6. How Do Sharks Find Their Food
    Sharks are provided with several extraordinary senses that help them find their prey. Probably this developed and accurate senses has made them very successful for 400 million years. Usually they use their electrosense system to...
  7. How Do Sharks Know When Something Is Food Or Not
    Studies have proved that shark senses are fully responsible for shark hunting. They commonly use the electrosense for location, even at long distances.The lateral line sense detects water vibrations usual to most living things...
  8. How Do Sharks Reproduce
    There are three different ways in which every shark species reproduce.While mating in sharks has been rarely observed, most species do it while they swim parallel to each other and the male inserts a...
  9. How Do Sharks Use Static Electricity
    Sharks have electroreceptor organs called Ampullae of Lorenzini.They are able to detect the electromagnetic field generated by all living things.This is used by sharks to find its prey. Sharks have from hundreds to...
  10. How Does A Shark Breathe
    As other fishes, sharks breathe by extracting oxygen when seawater pass through their gills. Shark gills are just behind shark head and they are not specially covered like in most fish. Water pass thorough their...
  11. How Does A Whale Shark Reproduce
    Whale shark reproduction process is not known in detail. Initially, whale sharks were believed to be oviparus, as some eggs were found in the bottom of the ocean. Later it was proved that such eggs...
  12. How Does Global Warming Affect Sharks
    Fishes included sharks are cold blooded animals, therefore and excessive increase of water temperature could even kill by itself some shark species. However collateral effects will make even more damage to them. These collateral consequences...
  13. How Does Great White Shark Attack
    Great white sharks start their attack using their extraordinary senses like the electrosense, which allow them to detect prey from long distances. Later great white sharks use their smell and hearing to further verify that...
  14. How Fast Does A Mako Shark Grow
    Mako sharks have a gestation period of 15-18 months in the mother uterus. After that, some of them are born at a length of about 2.1 feet (70 cm.) They can grow up to 9...
  15. How High Can A Shark Jump Out Of The Water
    Sharks jumping out of the water are not common, although many species actually jump out of the water. One of the most famous is the great white shark in the seal island where it has...
  16. How Long Do Mother Sharks Carry Their Babies
    The viviparus sharks who carry their pups until they born, have different gestation periods. The dogfish shark is known to keep their pups for 18 to 24 months. The bull shark gestation is about one...
  17. How Long Do Sharks Live
    Some sharks species live from 20 to 30 years. Some scientist think that the great white shark could be up to 100 years, but it has not been proved. The tiger shark could be between...
  18. How Many Feet Long Is A Shark
    Shark size varies according to the species. The largest shark is the whale shark which is up to 39 feet long. The great white shark is up to 20 feet long. Bull sharks can reach...
  19. How Many Layers Of Teeth Do Sharks Have
    They have from 5 to 15 rows of teeth in each jaw. Shark teeth fall easily as they are not firmly attached, therefore they replace falling teeth with the ones in the row behind...
  20. How Many Shark Attacks There Are In The World
    The international shark attack file reported 96 shark attacks worldwide in 2006. From those, 62 were believed to be unprovoked attacks, which mean that humans did nothing to make the shark attack them. During 2005...
  21. How Many Species Of Sharks
    There are more than 360 described species of sharks. They are grouped in 8 orders listed below from more primitive to the more evolved species. Hexanchiformes. Squaliformes. Pristiophoriformes. Squatiniformes. Heterodontiformes. Orectolobiformes. This order include the...
  22. How Many Teeth Do Sharks Have
    The amount of teeth that sharks have vary according to the species, from 5 to 15 rows of teeth in each jaw. Sharks teeth take about one week to fall, as they do not have...
  23. How Many Teeth Does A Great White Shark Have
    The amount of teeth that sharks have vary according to the species, from 5 to 15 rows of teeth in each jaw. Sharks teeth take about one week to fall, as they do not have...
  24. How Many Years Does A Shark Live For
    Some well known shark species like the mako shark, the lemon shark and the bull shark are still unknown. Some sharks species live from 20 to 30 years. Scientist think that the great white shark...
  25. How Much Do Sharks Weight
    The largest whale shark registered weight was 47300 lb or 21.5 tonnes. From there, weights vary according with the specie. Male bull sharks weight around 200 lb while female bull sharks can reach 700 lb...
  26. How To Get Over The Fear Of Sharks
    Start swimming in clear and shallow waters, if possible closed in some way, where you can feel confident. Use goggles for underwater vision. Talk to people who have had encounters with sharks. They will explain...
  27. What Are The Tiger Shark Enemies
    The main hunters of tiger sharks and any other shark in the ocean are humans. The excessive fishing of tiger sharks have drastically reduced their population. Shark have become popular for food or pills which...
  28. What Color Is The Hammerhead Shark
    Most of the hammerhead sharks are brownish. However, the smooth hammerhead shark is olive green or dark gray-brown in the top and white underneath. Their pectoral fins have black tips...
  29. What Do Blue Sharks Eat
    Blue sharks eat almost everything. However, they prefer some types of fishes and squids. Among the regular types of fishes eaten by blue sharks are erring, silver hake, white hake, red hake, cod, haddock, mackerel...
  30. What Do Sharks Eat
    The different kind of food consumed by all shark species is very varied. The whale shark eats large amounts of plankton and small fishes, The great white shark eats large fishes, fishes and turtles, being...
  31. What Do Sharks Have Instead Of Bones
    Sharks do not have bones like other fishes, instead they have cartilage which is much lighter and helps them swim faster. Even more the versatility of cartilage give sharks the capability to bend more elastically...
  32. What Do Sharks Have To Help Them Float
    For flotation, sharks rely on their liver which is filled with oil and fats. Their liver has two parts which are filled with oil and fats, substances that are lighter than water helping in this...
  33. What Does Shark Mean
    Shark comes from the mayan world Xoc which means fish...
  34. What Is A Group Of Sharks Called
    A group of sharks is called a gam, herd, pod or shiver...
  35. What Is A Whale Shark
    A whale shark, rhincodon typus, is the biggest shark and the largest living fish species on earth. Its large reach 14 m long and it weights up to 15 tons. It is a filter feeding...
  36. What Is Scientific Name For A Great White Shark
    The scientific classification of the Great White Shark is Carcharodon Carcharias...
  37. What Is The Age Span Of A Shark
    Most sharks live from 20 to 30 years. The life span of the great white shark is still unknown. Some scientist think that it could be up to 100 years, but it has not been...
  38. What Is The Habitat Of A Shark
    Some studies have proved that 70% of the ocean waters are shark free. The white shark habitat is along the U.S. west coast moving sometimes down to the pacific coast of Mexico and to the...
  39. What Is The Largest Shark
    The largest shark in the world is the whale shark. According to records, the largest whale shark ever caught was 12.6 meters long and it was catch off the coast of Pakistan in Baba Island...
  40. What Is The Largest Shark In The World
    The largest species of shark in the world is the whale shark. Curiously, this shark is harmless for humans and it only feeds with plankton and small fishes. According to records, the largest whale shark...
  41. What Kind Of Shark Can Live In Fresh Water
    Although some sharks can swim into river estuaries with mixed fresh and salt water and some even use this areas as nursery for young sharks, most of the time they live in ocean water. However...
  42. What Kind Of Skin Do Sharks Have
    Shark skin is a sandpaper like surface which plays an important role in shark efficient movements. Internally, this skin is composed by millions of tiny scales which have form of teeth and form a tough...
  43. What To Do If A Shark Of The Atlantic Attack
    Shark attacks are not as common as everybody think. During 2004 only 61 confirmed unprovoked attacks to humans worldwide were confirmed.If attacked, avoid excessive splashing and leave the water immediately calmly as soon as...
  44. Where Do Great White Sharks Live
    Great white sharks live in all coastal temperate waters around the world. They have been found in waters as shallow as three feet deep and up to 1000 thousand meters deep. The east and west...
  45. Where Do Sharks Live
    Sharks live in oceans. However studies published have stated that up to 70% of oceans are free of sharks. Specifically some species like the white shark lives along the U.S. west coast. The Mako shark...
  46. Where Do Tiger Sharks Live
    Tiger sharks live in tropical and subtropical oceans and sometimes in temperate waters.It is found sometimes in river estuaries and harbors...
  47. Where Does A Whale Shark Live
    Whale sharks live in warm waters and tropical oceans around the world. It is restricted to around +- 30 degrees of latitude...
  48. Why Are People Afraid Of Sharks
    Bad publicity and famous movies like Jaws, made people even more aware of shark attacks. The truth is that dogs or bees attack more people every year. Even falling coconuts kill more people every year...
  49. Why Are Sharks Dangerous
    Shark are dangerous because they are probably the most efficient predators on earth. Besides, the human capabilities on water are very limited compared with the abilities of sharks in their natural habitat. Sharks are aggressive...
  50. Why Are Sharks Going Extinct
    Some shark species are going extinct because excessive human fishing. Sharks have been around for millions of years and now after all this time, over fishing is making smaller some shark species...
  51. Why Do People Kill Sharks
    Some times people kill sharks for sport while fishing. Other times, humans kill sharks for fishing to use their meat as food and to use their fins for medicinal purposes...
  52. Why Do Sharks Drown When Pulled Backwards
    Sharks can drown when pulled backwards because water get inside their gills. Sometimes, when fisherman kill sharks pulling them backwards for a while when taking them back to the shore...
  53. Why Do Sharks Have Cartilage
    Sharks have cartilage instead of bones to have lighter weight which allows them to go up and down quickly. Cartilage also gives them great flexibility which allows them to bend much more than boned fishes...
  54. Why Do The Great White Sharks Attack Humans
    While great white shark is known as the most ferocious and aggressive shark, the great white shark typically does not target humans as prey. There are some regions in the world with very few shark...
  55. Why Does A Shark Grow New Teeth
    New teeth grow continuously inside shark's mouth renewing the old ones which are then discarded. Therefore, sharks do not have a particular reason to grow new teeth but they do it all their life going...
  56. Why Is Mako Shark Endangered
    Mako sharks are endangered because the same reason of other shark species, excessive human fishing and hunting. In particular, Mako sharks are killed because their fins are cut off for medicinal purposes...
  57. Why Sharks Attack Humans
    Scientist think that most of the shark attacks on humans are due to mistaken identity. Sometimes, as the attacks on surfers, human figure resembles the image of a sea lion or a seal from the...
  58. Why The Great White Shark Is Endangered
    The great white shark was added to the endangered list because its population has dropped due to the unregulated trade and excessive hunting. The great white shark is the top predator of the ocean and...



