
Winner of "favourite farm animal" poll-

20/12/2010 16:26


Favourite Farm Animals








Winner of week 4 Shark Poll

12/10/2010 11:28


Favourite Shark!

Great white Shark

Tiger Shark

Blue Shark

Hammerhead Shark

Bull Shark

Nurse Shark

Total votes: 10


We had 10 VOTES in total, what a great amount of votes!

We had the "Nurse Shark" coming in first with a smashing 8 VOTES!


If your favourite animal didn't win be sure to vote for them again !


Winner of week 3 Whale poll

25/09/2010 18:00

These are the tallies for this week's poll comp!

Blue Whale; Killer Whale; Fin Whale; Gray Whale; all had 0 votes!

Sperm Whale & Humpback Whale; had 1 vote

& Beluga Whale definately won this poll comp on a stunning 4 votes!


So there you have it; Beluga whales are the favourite.

If you have a passion for animals & expecially whales, be sure to fight for the animal rights! If your against whaleing send us feedback & tell us some idea's on how to prevent anyone from whaleing!


Also if your favourite Whale didn't win. Next time we have a poll; Be sure to constantly vote for your favourite animal.

Until then; talk soon, Emily & Amy. xx


The Winner of the Week 2 Poll - RABBITs!!

20/09/2010 09:28

The poll for last week has been counted and ready for you guys to find out the winner!!

Lats wee's poll was all about Rabbits and included - Mini Lop - 4 Votes

                                                                                 - Lop - 1 Vote

                                                                                  - Rex - 0 Votes

                                                                                  - Dwarf Lop - 2 Votes

                                                                                  - Dwarf Rex - 0 Votes

                                                                                  - Hare - 0 Votes

                                                                                  - Kitten (Baby Rabbit) - 1 Votes

The winner of last weeks Rabbit Crazy is the Mini Lop on 4 Votes!!


The Winner of Week 1 Poll!!

15/09/2010 14:00

The votes from Week 1's Poll 'What is Your Favourite Bird' has been tallied up and counted by Emily and I recently so no other votes will be counted.

The Poll included

- Rainbow Lorikeet 3 Votes

- Galah 0 Votes

- Rosella 2 Votes

- Macaw 1 Vote

- Cockatiel 1 Vote

- Northern Cardinal 1 Votes

The winner of this Poll is ... THE RAINBOW LORIKEET ON 3 VOTES!!! WOOOHOOOO XD

Thanks to everyone who voted for this poll

A new one should be coming up soon ... EXCITING

Amy & Emily xxx XD


Bondi Vet

10/09/2010 13:21

Heey Guys Amy Here

Who wants a show that is all about animals!?!? i Know i do. For all the animal lovers out there i have a great show for you to watch. This show is a great show for animal lovers as well as if you want have a career with animals such as a vet or a dairy farmer (which is what Emily and I want to be when we grow up XD), Bondi Vet is perfect for you. So i know Emily and I love this show and watch it everone Thursday night at 7:30 pm to 8:00 pm eastern standard time make sure you check it out if you already havn't and join in on the animal FUN!!!

Thanks Guys

Amy xxx


Amy & Emily

10/09/2010 12:22

Hey guys :)


amy & emily here. Hope you like our new improved website. comment & please give feedback.


special thanks to sarah .... - for helping make the website !!!


Our Pets; <3

summer. princess. toffee. moby & melody.

oscar. tammi. muffin & coco



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