Article archive


27/09/2010 19:55
New Photos Have been Uploaded Check out the new photo's they are of the magnificent sharks who rule the 7 sea's. Be sure to ask any questions or give any suggestions in the feedback section.   all you have to do is click "feedback" then type your name. Subject & your letter ; then amy...


Shark Facts!

25/09/2010 21:25
How Are Whale Sharks Endangered The whale shark is targeted by commercial and artisan fisheries. This has put them in the list of endangered species. Although the worldwide population is unknown, the reduction in sightings...


Sharkss FACTS!

25/09/2010 18:17
  How Are Whale Sharks Endangered The whale shark is targeted by commercial and artisan fisheries. This has put them in the list of endangered species. Although the worldwide population is unknown, the...


Winner of week 3 Whale poll

25/09/2010 18:00
These are the tallies for this week's poll comp! Blue Whale; Killer Whale; Fin Whale; Gray Whale; all had 0 votes! Sperm Whale & Humpback Whale; had 1 vote & Beluga Whale definately won this poll comp on a stunning 4 votes!   So there you have it; Beluga whales are the favourite. If...


Sharks this WEEK~

24/09/2010 09:36
SPOOKY; CREEPY; SCARY; But not through our eyes. SHARKS! - all this week is about sharks, so if you want to no some facts about sharks then tune in all this week!! also' look out for the pictures; there going to be bite-chulas! :D    


The Winner of the Week 2 Poll - RABBITs!!

20/09/2010 09:28
The poll for last week has been counted and ready for you guys to find out the winner!! Lats wee's poll was all about Rabbits and included - Mini Lop - 4...



15/09/2010 18:43
Hey Guys; if you want to find out information about animals. then be sure to search on our website. If we don't have the animal that you are looking for then a good tv channel to watch is discovery channel; 608. Discovery 2; 614 & Animal planet;615.   they are really interesting...


Week 2 Comp

15/09/2010 14:46
  Hi Guys, Emily & Amy here! send in the link of a picture of your favourite rabbit.   Any shape or size:)   if you win we will then put your rabbit picture as our logo backround at the end of the week for a day!! :D


The Winner of Week 1 Poll!!

15/09/2010 14:00
The votes from Week 1's Poll 'What is Your Favourite Bird' has been tallied up and counted by Emily and I recently so no other votes will be counted. The Poll included - Rainbow Lorikeet 3 Votes - Galah 0 Votes - Rosella 2 Votes - Macaw 1 Vote - Cockatiel 1 Vote - Northern Cardinal 1 Votes The...


Rabbits Facts :)

13/09/2010 18:08
  Facts Rabbit Facts      Rabbits are not rodents but belong to their own order called lagomorphs.  The evolutionary split between rabbits and other living mammals probably occurred about thirty million years ago.     There are twelve species of...


